Saturday, November 12, 2011


If any of you didn't already know, I'm trying to win a scholarship to become Yoga certified! Its always been something on my lifelong "to-do" list! Well, along with friend likes on my facebook page, I also have a youtube video up! I have a favor.... will you please click on the link below? You dont even have to watch the video. Everytime you open the screen counts as a hit! So really if you wanted to just sit and refresh the page for 5 minutes instead of watching the actual 5 minute long video.... that'd be great! THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR AWESOME SUPPORT!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Yoga Certification!

If there is anyone out there that actually reads my blog, I need your help!!!

I'm in a competition to win $2250.00 worth of tuition to become yoga certified! I need your facebook likes at the following link:!/pages/3B-YOGA-Teacher-Training-Rachel-Waters/215913788478877?sk=wall

Also, it'd be AWESOME if you actually posted this link to your facebook page and had your friends and family on FACEBOOK do the same. I would totally owe you all!!!

Thanks so much!