Saturday, April 10, 2010

I have no idea how to use this thing! How do I make a list of people down the side? If you guys could help me out I'd appreciate it!


  1. Call me one day when you aren't too busy and I'll walk you through it!!

  2. When you are at your blog click on customize on the top right hand side of the page... (or if you are at the dashboard click on view blog then you will se customize) then there will be your header. and on the right there should be one that says "add a gadget"... Click on that and scroll down until you see "blog list" Click on the + sign and it will pop up and if you hit save it will add it to that list and anytime you want to add a nonprivate blog just find the box that says blog list and click on "edit" then click on "add to list" and then you copy and paste someones blog name there and click on "add" and then "Save" and it will show up on your blog! :) hope that helps! Love ya! P.S. you looked beautiful on your wedding day and the reception was really nice!
