Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tate as of Late

Tate Albert... Holy cow! He is such a smart cookie. Every day that I spend with him I think that I really need to try  harder to write some things down because you just cant think this stuff up! Tate is almost 21 months old. As Cory would say, "He's one year old!" I think its important to know the months because then you know where he's at growth wise. This kid is a big, solid boy. He looks more like 2 1/2 years old. I always say he's a brick. He runs like he's older and has been able to kick, throw, catch, and hit a ball for a long time. He just seems to be super coordinated little man. It could have something to do with the fact that he always plays with older kids? I'm not sure. I cant tell you how many times a day I look at him and just think how amazing he is. I'm so grateful to be his mom!

(Me and my boys totally wiped out after Parker's blessing day festivities)
Things Tate loves right now:
-His binky and his purple blanky
-Playing any kind of ball. Mostly basketball
-Reading books.
-Eating breakfast while watching TV in Mom and Dad's bed
-Playing outside
-Playing with his dog Stockton
-Playing with the neighbors Luke, Brady, and Kate. Really any kid for that matter
-Trucks/Tractors/ Airplanes/ Motorcycles/ Trains
-His baby Parker
-CHAPSTICK (kind of obsessed)
-Dancing / jumping

 (Tate playing in the mud with the neighbors. Mom wasn't smart enough to strip him down first)
I cant believe how much this boy can talk already. Every day it is amazing to me the words that he'll say. He's very smart.
Some of Tate's most frequently said words:
Mommy (this is what he calls me when he's sad or tired)
Daddy (this is what he calls me the rest of the time)
Cory (this is what he calls Cory)
Dinner "inner"
Spoon "poon"
Watch (to watch TV)
Cailloo, Dinosaur Train "train" (TV show's he watches)
Night Night
Love you "Ubyou"
Thank you "sank you"
Please "Pweese Daddy" (for whatever reason he thinks he's supposed to say Daddy after every please
I'm Sorry "Orry"
Truck (over and over and over)
Grandpa's truck (all day long)
Luke, Brady, Kate "Uke, Brady, Kate"
Blanky "Binky" (this would be confusing because of Binky, but I know he always wants the Binky and then the Blanky)
Help "elp"
Of course there are so many more, but these are the words I hear most frequently throughout our days.
He cracks me up with how clear and out of the blue he can be sometimes. For example the other day I was changing Parker's diaper and he exploded so I screamed (story for another time) and Tate came running in and said "happened? Ok?" It was so cute because he wanted to know what happened and if I was okay. Ha ha ha. He is such a little stud.
Another story is when I was putting him down for a nap one day. I always take off his jacket, shoes and socks. Well this time I just took of his jacket and shoes and he kept saying over and over, "toesies, toesies" until I understood that he wanted his socks of too.

(Smart little guy figured out how to open the mascara and knew exactly which part of his face he was supposed to try and apply. Even used the mirror)
I cant even begin to describe how grateful I am for this crazy, out of control, "all boy", little boy. He makes me smile from morning to night. He emulates the meaning of his name so well, CHEERFUL! And he passes that cheer on to others. How great is my job of being his mom!

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