This was the other night. I was sitting with the girls... working on some crafts when Cory wondered if we were hungry. So... he whipped up some homemade (FROM SCRATCH) biscuits and gravy. Now, before I became a Waters I can honestly say that I never had biscuits and gravy. Even still I struggle with a heaping plate for breakfast, but for dinner OH MAN does it hit the spot. Anyways... my husband is the greatest and just happens to be pretty darn homey himself. He had all the girls ooohing and aaaing!
This is part two of my previous post... remember, that sunny Saturday so long ago??? Where I got my chair painted? Well anyway! This is my poor, dreary wall. It has plain since the day we moved in. I have had an idea in the back of my mind for far to long, and I finally put it together and got it up!!!
I collected all different sizes and shapes of frames and laid it out on the floor of what I wanted it to look like. Then I took them outside and painted them what color I wanted them to be (oh the joys of spray paint)
AND NOW... On to St Valentines DAY
I started with a project where I needed Styrofoam balls. Have you seen how much those cost??? Like $4-6! I am not cool with that! Especially when I have so many WALMART bags chilling under my sink. So... what you do is bunch up a 5 or 6 Walmart bags, masking tape them in the shape of a circle and WALA!!!! Your own ball. (Walmart just keeps saving me!)