Now on to the actual project. Due to some pregnant girl complications, Sarah couldn't join us and Laura showed up late. Both due to an excess amount of throwing up! So Meggers and I were the only ones that actually did the projects this time. I decided to have March's project be to cover pillows.
Here is Megs before!!!
And here are her afters! Aren't they so cute???
She decided to go with Dr Seuss fabric! The colors were so freaking great!!!
Oh my gosh! Can you believe my horrible before picture? These horrible pillows came from my free coaches!
And this is the after!
How do you like it???
Meg and both have husbands who sometimes end up working on craft day so we usually get to hang out all day long. After the pillows were made we went to lunch at the new craze in Provo (if its not new don't tell me, sometimes I like to feel like I'm "up" on things) Sammy's. Its probably the most delicious burger that I ever ate in my entire life!!! I will for sure be going back there! We also went to my favorite little boutique Maddox Couture., just lookin around.
When we got back we both wanted to try and figure out the fabric flowers while we chatted. Lucky for me just the other week I scored (yet again) at the Preston DI (favorite DI next to Logan"s) with these beauty's. They have about 3 inches of fabric rolled all up! They have to be at least 50 years old! I got them for .50 cents a roll! They both have about 15 yards left on them!
After just a few tries and lots of burned fingers I think we got the hang of them!
Even though I didn't think March's craft day was going to work out, IT DID!!! No matter what the hold up, keep working through it and you'll end up being happy with the results!!!